So much has happened in the past few days, and my plans for a lazy, recuperating summer will probably have to be put aside. BUT that’s fine by me. A few things that happened: my parents left for two weeks in Israel so we all pitched in with babysitting & meals; I just finished the last week of school; Thuy graduated high school; we celebrated three birthdays, mine included.
I usually prefer a quiet birthday without cake and hoopla.  This year, B and I celebrated early with a visit to the Menil Collection downtown. All these years I’ve lived in Houston and this was my first time! Most of the homes nearby had front porches and a lot of charm. If I were to stay in Houston, I would definitely move closer to the city.
Before we went to see the Dumas exhibition, B proposed in front of Twombly’s Say Goodbye, Catullus, to the Shores of Asia Minor with a gorgeous Hannah Clark ring. I’m leaving out a lot of details, but I’m confident B can given a better and more eloquent account later. I promised myself I would enjoy this time and not let the stress get to me. Even if on the day after the engagement my dad created a complex spreadsheet  in Excel determining who’s coming to the wedding. Even if it was color coded.
Speaking of firsts, a group of us went to the Dynamo’s game for Ky’s birthday. The weather was perfect, and I think we were all pleasantly surprised at how fun attending games could be. My favorite part of the night was the live music and the confetti.

Some of my family from Portland came down to visit us. In July! With the humidity and heat! Now that’s love! Before they left, Long took everyone out to the Lake Conroe to to swim and jet-ski. B was a speed demon as usually.  I could barely hold but it was super exciting at the same time. Next time, I’ll wear goggles no matter how goofy it may look.Â
I have a major certification test coming up in less than two weeks. I’m a little worried because I’m being tested on a few subjects that I would never teach like web writing and desktop publishing, but since they fall under the same category as digital graphics, I have to be proficient in these areas to get certified. Rhode Island was so much simpler and less expensive with their tests. GAGH. Wish me luck, I’ll need it. None the less, I am very happy and excited for the future. All the love and support we’ve received has been so heartfelt and overwhelming. Give me a few more days and I come up with something that can better express our gratitude. :)
1 Comment
You’re gonna kick that exam’s behind, sweetheart.
Love, the luckiest guy in the universe