random glimpses
- Wearing: simple rings + earrings- all sentimental
- Reading/looking: Just Kids (Christmas gift from Jeff and my first non-picture book in a long time), And the Pursuit of Happiness, Kiki Smith Prints Books and Things, Color Moves Art & Fashion by Sonia Delauney, Who is Sleeping on My Pillow. Two thumbs up so far!
- Making: chocolate Banana Bread from Orangette (Even though this is my 3rd time making it, I rushed and forgot the sugar after putting the mix in the baking dish. It still turned out okay even after remixing sugar in again. Maybe a tad too dense. Serves me right)
- Buying: Snagged these last month for a good deal. Even though I have a soft spot for boots, these are more practically and almost work year round here. They look almost identical to the one’s I owned and wore to death from American Eagle when I was a teen.