a world of thoughts



Last year, while discussing my final project for the intro to jewelry class, one of the teachers told me to check out Dutch jewelry artist Lucy Sarneel. I was fascinated by the way she combines metals and other materials in a very fragmented way. It was as if each section told a different story. Each had a beginning and an end, and the transitions were clean and distinct.

The more I learn about Dutch artists and design, the more I feel like it fits my aesthetics. There seems to be a tradition of mixing uncommon techniques and materials that give each piece a handmade (searching for the word)… familiar sort of quality?

To me a jewel represents a place in the world in which one can loose oneself like in the sparkling of a diamond or the carefull observation of little plants or moss.

The alienation that results from the competition between ‘the natural’ and the ‘artificial’ is an aspect I try to give form to in my jewels.

Allthough a jewel is a small object it can be a world of thoughts.