bon appetite!


Look, it's just like me & bj

Remedy for a bad mood: Julie & Julia

Last night, B, my sister and I went to see J&J and it was a perfect way to end the day. I laughed throughout the whole movie, and 2.5 hours whizzed by  like it was 30 minutes. If only there were more scenes with Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci. I was in love with their love if that makes any sense.


Ah, Paul!

Meryl Streep gave an amazing performance as always, but Stanley Tucci really won me over. Besides The Devil Wears Prada, I am not too familiar his work and I look forward to seeing what he has in store for the future.

Another great review by A.O. Scott for the  nytimes.

photo-37Do you think BJ will wear one of these with me?

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