I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! Here are a few shots from this month.
I’m almost done with a roll of film, so hopefully those turn out okay! Most of my time behind the camera these days are for shooting M&S stock, so I haven’t really picked up the camera just for fun. I’m slowly would like to balance that out a bit more.
Lately, I’ve enjoyed working with soft carving blocks. It’s much faster than linoleum although it probably won’t hold up as long. Like beading or paper cut, the required repetitive motions totally gets me into relaxation mode. I ended up making a of wrapping paper for the holidays, and I’m looking forward to hosting a workshop later at the store. For Christmas, I was lucky to be gifted several of Angel’s ceramic pieces. I love her use of color and pattern. We’re brainstorming ideas for a collaboration later so tuned! And finally, BJ’s been working on some new lettering that I’m really excited about. Here’s his recent one for Myth & Symbol.
Cheers friends!