Colette’s current collaboration is with The Selby, and a few of the homeowners (super-talented people in their own rights) featured on the website were asked to create pieces that would be sold. I love love love the flag necklace by Cheri Messerli of Scout Holiday.
Her home is the perfect combination of cozy and creative, and I love that she designs, illustrates, & styles for a living. It gives me some hope that it is possible to find a way to do everything you are passionate about. Luckily, Trang is going to Paris this month and since she is such a wonderful sister :) , maybe I can convince her to stop by Colette to pick me up some goodies if they aren’t sold out by then.
I’ve been sketching out ideas for a series of flag paintings for about a year now. This necklace was the perfect reminder to keep on going.