dashing out the door

Thanks Megan for the tag. This offered a welcome, much-needed break from my work last night + a relaxing assignment before bed. Proportions are totally not to scale and coloring’s a little haphazard, but here ya go!

  1. Tart Lip Stain in Charmed: I’m usually dashing out the door in the morning and this adds just a touch of color. I bought it for my wedding and have been using it ever since.
  2. Cetaphil: moisturizes dry skin, works wonders, doesn’t smell like obscure tropical flowers.
  3. Work ID: an important accessory to separate me from the students + it’s nice to go to the faculty rest room without being stopped/interrogated!
  4. Lunch bag: school lunches are pretty gross. Jamie Oliver hasn’t revolutionized our district’s lunch program … yet. I picked a few of these up from the Marc Jacobs store during our NY trip for 5 bucks. It’s insulated, not so clunky, and can double as a camera bag.
  5. Clipboard: where I keep my to-do lists and important papers for the day

I’m going to tag my little sister, Thuy, in hopes that she updates her blog soon!

Update: Thuy’s 5 picks


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