the little things

The little things: finished my first weaving project, catching up on 3191 Quarterly, and eating lots of Texas peaches.

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day to all my teachers especially my RISD peeps, Tuey, and Megan!


Looking forward to seeing the James Turrell’s Skyspace at Rice.

photos by © Michelle Watson/ via Culturemap

you belong to me

BJ and I saw The Deep Blue Sea over the weekend. The pace was slow and natural, the sweet scenes were super tender making the dark ones even darker, and I thought this one of the few movies that examined love in a different light. Rachel Weisz was beautiful as always. If you see it, I would love to hear what you think.

One of my favorite scenes played You Belong To Me by Jo Stafford. And it’s one of the few youtube comment sections worth reading.

photo by Liam Daniel. Music Box Films

When things get a little crazy around here, we tend to eat out, load up on sweets (mainly me), and just get frazzled – it’s just not good all around. So last week, I took a little break to regroup, tidy up our place, hang some pictures, eat lots of fresh fruit, cook simple meals, visit my mom and Igby several times – and take home new plants she potted for us. Friday night, I decided what the heck, let’s go to Austin for the weekend. So BJ, my sister Tam, and I left everything behind for a relaxing couple of days. It was just what we needed.

It’s mainly been quiet around here with my teaching and work ing on the store. I’ve been picking up a few vintage pieces here and there to furnish the space. Just as we were leaving Uncommon Objects, BJ spotted the fold out mirror pictured below. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with mirrors – especially old shaving mirrors-  even though we really don’t need more. So I said – Hey, if the store doesn’t need it, I’ll buy it for our place. Said the same thing goes for that rug. (I promise the M&S gets first dibs though!) We’ll start posting more often here, if you want to keep up with our progress.



Personal projects have been sidelined a bit as I try to wrap up the school year, work on the store, and start making our place more lived in (still got moving boxes out. yikes.). I’ve had ideas brewing for some paintings for a while now, and I need to make time. But you know me, if I neglect creating for too long – even doodling – I can be a grump. That’s why taking pictures and working on smaller, shorter projects have been nice and more manageable.

  1. Above, a photo of my uncle’s garden from our trip last summer and below, a photo of the water along the docks in Brooklyn from last month.
  2. Watercolor painting of our favorite Houston food trucks and half way finished painted beads from Texas Art Asylum.

A handful of images from our day trip to Round Top, Easter meals with Andrew & Bridget and family gatherings, plants for the house, and being inspired by color and patterns.

This weekend, lots eating highlights: baja shrimp tacos at Torchy’s, breakfast and s’more tacos at Tacos A Gogo, and refreshing drinks and gumbo at Beaver’s.  And, I scored my first Craig’s list purchase – a flat file cabinet that’s doubling as our coffee table. The seller was super sweet and even threw in some handmade paper. First a bed frame, and now a coffee table – we are slowly becoming real adults. Just ignore all the bag of trolli crawlers in every room.


some greenery

Some greenery outside the Glassell school. Between teaching and working on the store, it’s been a little hard to carve out time to draw or paint, but taking the camera around the city has been fun. Plus, I have to take advantage of outdoor time before the Houston heat hits.

I hope everyone is having a good week!