
I got to try on some new stock at the store this week, and man, I wish I can wear Steven Alan’s spring collection everyday.

Hope everyone has a good week!

store update

I can’t believe M & S has been open for a little over a month! There’s a lot to do and learn, but it definitely has been rewarding. So happy we all came together to give this a go. And a big thanks for everyone’s encouragement and support. I’ll be heading back into the classroom next week, but I’ll still be working at the shop from home, after work, and weekends. Here are a few photos from the past couple of weeks:

Inside the store, trying on a Rachel Comey jacket (#1 on my wishlist for the winter), new ring dishes from Angel holding my tiny ring from Jennifer, Trang manning the desk, brushed up on my graphic design for a couple of ads, Maggie modeling…


In preparation for fall arrivals, we put our spring and summer sales online as well as a few select items. You can also follow us in these places:

Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Blog


grand opening

I put together some doodles similar to the drawings my sisters and I did on the windows for our grand opening flyers. I couldn’t decide between the two so we made different versions. Come by and visit us! I’ll be working in the summers, and once the school year starts up, I’ll be there in the evenings and weekends. Store interior shots and maybe a video to come for all our friends and family outside of Houston.

myth & symbol

Although it has been in the works for almost a year now (and dreamt about for many, many years in my head), I haven’t really mentioned this new endeavor I’ve been working on. Partly because I didn’t want to jinx anything, but also because it’s taken me this long to feel confident it’s really going to happen!

By this summer, Myth & Symbol will be opening its doors in Houston. It came out of an idea that well-crafted, timeless work from independent designers should be more readily available and promoted, especially in such a big city like ours. I’m one member of a 4-person team, and my main role has been selecting the products for M&S and refining the concept. It has been a huge learning experience, and I’ve had the honor of meeting incredible creative individuals. One of the highlights so far has been hearing the personal narrative and process behind each collection—no detail has been overlooked.

Stay tuned, I’ll post more as we get closer to the opening.