Hope everyone has a great 2012! I’m excited and anxious for what this year will bring. Changes are ahead, but I’m excited to take a leap of faith and actively work toward a dream!
We never really did resolutions, but, this year, it seems to come up more so here are some things I/we hope to do:
- Actually put money into our savings account and stick to a budget
- Plan healthy meals together + eat out only once a week (we’re bad at this!)
- Make more thoughtful, “intentional” purchases
- Stay in better touch with family and friends near and far
- Take a walk in Hermann Park everyday
- Be more patient—on the road, in the class room, everywhere
- Set aside the computer, and aimless internet wanderlust, earlier in the evening
- Constantly create. Going to work on 100 patterns, in order to get into the habit of creating. All of them (good, bad, and eh) ones will be posted here, so I’ll be more accountable.