
I’m pretty sad this summer is coming to a close. For the first time in a while, things were wonderfully uneventful—no graduations, no moving trucks, no wedding planning, etc.—so the slow pace took some getting used to. As a teacher, I usually get up at 5:45, then I’ll get home between 4-5, and afterward I do some grading/planning in the evening. So, when my day isn’t crammed with things to do, I feel like I’ve been unproductive. I know, a little crazy. It took some adjusting, but I’m so grateful for the chance to travel, see family, celebrate other people’s weddings, and have some lazy days watching shows on Hulu. These past two months flew by, and this weekend will be my last “free” for a while.

Visiting Installations Antiques has been on my to-do list for some time. Located just a few blocks away in a former textile factory, it’s a hidden treasure. Before we stopped by, we had a hearty brunch next door at Krafts’men Baking. I’m pretty sure my jaw fell wide open the moment we walked into Installations. The quantity of unexpected and beautiful things just overwhelms you. We met one of the owners and her down-to-earth warmth made you feel at home, like you were a friend and not merely a customer. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the unique antiques, furniture, and trinkets they had (and staged so beautifully) in the rooms.

I left with some canning jars from Germany to store supplies, but this flat file is the first thing I’ll buy when my pockets deepen.

coming to a close

Summer break is quickly coming to a close for me. I officially start work in 2 weeks, but I have yet to touch a single lesson plan so anxiety is creepin’ in. I did however go up to my classroom and move all the tables and chairs back with the help of my sister. Baby steps.

Here are some pictures from the past few days: now that I have an updated website and shop, I finally took out the never been used Gocco printer from years ago and printed up some business cards on scrap watercolor test sheets, made green rice with okra and tomatoes for dinner, had lots of fun participating in the mix swap and received mine from Liza, rejoiced that I didn’t really kill the mint plant all the way, finished a necklace, and hung up my new Jillian Tamaki print as-is until I can mat it.

austin highlights

All week, I had an itch to get out of town so on Saturday, we set off for Austin. The highlights include eye candy at Kickpleat and Spartan, meeting up with my cousins and sharing fresh seafood at Perla’s, a 1 am Homeslice pizza run, bubble tea from Toy Joy, delicious brunch and drinks at South Congress Cafe (Carrot cake French Toast!!!), picking up vanilla cones twice at rest stops, listening to music non stop and taking in the changing scenery during the drive back to Houston. Yep, most of these are food related. PB&J for the rest of the week!


first roll

I had the first roll of film from our NW trip processed, and tomorrow I’m going to attempt to pull the second roll out of the camera and place it back in the canister. There are definitely light leaks, but I’m crossing my fingers that the rest will turn out. A huge thank you to Ameet for the camera (Canon AE-1), it feels great to shot again! More pictures and info here.

Down House

I’ve been waiting for Down House to open for a long time. Each time we drove past it, I would lean over and check to see how much has changed in their renovations. Finally, this past weekend, BJ and I stopped in for brunch, and we shared a pulled-pork torta and whole-grain waffle. Both were delicious and now I can’t wait for them to extend their hours (until 2AM—perfect!) . I couldn’t ask for better timing with school coming to an end, and with it being BJ’s turn to take the car. I now have a hangout spot that I can walk to!

good things

The good things that can get lost in the craziness …

A made bed, a trip to Sloan Hall where we picked up a piece from the Dream Collective aka my strawberry earrings and a shield pin for BJ, a resilient plant and organized home, afternoon naps, a gifted bowl from ND’s ceramic sale (Thanks, Tien!), shrimp tacos for dinner from Goop via L.A in Bloom, sisters sleeping over and a trip to El Bolillo for cheap, delicious pastries, taking my mom to see the MFAH Impressionist and Post Impressionist exhibit before it leaves, and a belated  Mother’s Day Cake from one of our favorite recipes -Orangette’s Marmalade Cake with extra orange and lemon juice)


Sunday detour- Refreshed with shaved ice, ate lunch outside the Menil, and spent an hour wandering through the galleries.

feels like summer

Feels like summer is really here. I can’t believe we’ve lived in our area for almost a year and haven’t stopped by Mam’s House of Ice until this past Sunday. A small is plenty and for 2 bucks, these New Orleans style snow cones are by far the best I’ve had. I got lime and BJ got Tigerblood (good but a little too much coconut for him). The flavors are mixed in nicely so even at the last spoonful, you’re not left with just ice.

Next time, I’ll have to try a scoop of Bluebell ice cream at the bottom.

Stumbled upon a National Geographic Traveler walking tour of Houston Heights.



Roadtrip to Austin to see my cousin finish the MS 150. She beat her time by a lot this year, so we missed her crossing the finish line, but we were there to help her celebrate afterwards!

  • Texas flatlands
  • Hopdoddy – juiciest burgers ever
  • Stag – Amazing men’s store
  • Big Top Candy Shop
  • Spartan|Bows + Arrows – picked up a pretty necklace
  • Passing through small towns on the way home
  • Houston sprawl

cone’s commute home

Lately, we’ve been getting our fill of Chick-fil-A cones. It’s ridiculous how happy it makes us. Feels like summer…

My cone’s commute home

Gimme more!

Henna courtesy of my students in our after school club. We had an Indian celebration with Bollywood music videos, samosas, curry, and lots of other goodies.