coach taylor

We went to Agora Sunday night for a little break. Sometimes it’s easy to get holed up at home, especially around here (I’m feeling nostalgic for Providence right now).

Many people don’t know that BJ has a real knack for drawing even though he didn’t start until much later.  He  worked on a portrait of Coach Taylor from Friday Night Lights.

I was having a creative block, so I drew him drawing instead.

mociun + katy krantz

Austin souvenir. I caved when I saw this Katy Krantz + Mociun piece at Kick Pleat. The beads/objects appear larger in person, but that actually made the necklace appeal to me even more.  For the most part, it’ll hang on my wall like a mini-sculpture because, knowing me, there’s a good chance I’ll slip and break it.

Besides Kick Pleat, Una has the one I got, and Totokaelo has other varieties as well. Wish I could own them all!

Image above  from Una & Totokaelo

austin highlights

All week, I had an itch to get out of town so on Saturday, we set off for Austin. The highlights include eye candy at Kickpleat and Spartan, meeting up with my cousins and sharing fresh seafood at Perla’s, a 1 am Homeslice pizza run, bubble tea from Toy Joy, delicious brunch and drinks at South Congress Cafe (Carrot cake French Toast!!!), picking up vanilla cones twice at rest stops, listening to music non stop and taking in the changing scenery during the drive back to Houston. Yep, most of these are food related. PB&J for the rest of the week!


summer myth

I finally pulled a proof of the the Kiki Smith piece – My neck needed a break from slouching over the block for long periods of time. Besides the fact that she looks a little crossed eye (Minor fix. Sorry, Kiki.), I think I’ll be ready tomorrow to print of the final paper. The other drawing is a quick doodle with markers and a paint pen.

A few days ago, I saw the Summer Myth contest on Jillian Tamaki‘s blog and knew I had to give it a try despite feeling very rusty. My piece was inspired by summer nostalgia and the myth of nonstop recreation. I started out with water color drawings and I finished with Photoshop. Thanks Jillian for the highlight! The other pieces are amazing!

one year

1 Year!

Here is the song we danced to—a cover by Jeff Mangum. BJ’s mom thought he was a friend who recorded this song for us. lol.