
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! Here are a few shots from this month.







I’m almost done with a roll of film, so hopefully those turn out okay! Most of my time behind the camera these days are for shooting M&S stock, so I haven’t really picked up the camera just for fun. I’m slowly would like to balance that out a bit more.

Lately, I’ve enjoyed working with soft carving blocks. It’s much faster than linoleum although it probably won’t hold up as long. Like beading or paper cut, the required repetitive motions totally gets me into relaxation mode. I ended up making a of wrapping paper for the holidays, and I’m looking forward to hosting a workshop later at the store. For Christmas, I was lucky to be gifted several of Angel’s ceramic pieces. I love her use of color and pattern. We’re brainstorming ideas for a collaboration later so tuned! And finally, BJ’s been working on some new lettering that I’m really excited about. Here’s his recent one for Myth & Symbol.


Cheers friends!

Soul Sisters Trunk Show

One of the highlights of working at Myth and Symbol has to be meeting creative people and getting to share their beautiful work with others. When I bought a bowl last year from an event at the craft center, I knew I had to track down whoever made it. By coincidence, Angel happened to come by the shop before I could contact her down and everything came together from there. Soon after, I got to know Anne, her best friend and another local talent. So we brainstormed a little bit and next Saturday, they’ll be at the store with all their goods. If you are around, please come visit before I buy everything!

2nd photo by angel

Here’s a flyer I put together for them. I’m still brushing up doing layout and text, but the doodles were fun!

circus people

My youngest sister Thuy just graduated early from SCAD last month, and she’s been at home working on her portfolio. I’ve been pestering her for the longest time to let me print some of her work. The circus people, one of my favorites, will be available soon. I’ll also post her finished website when the time comes. If anyone is looking for an awesome illustrator/designer she won’t dissapoint.

Thuy’s pinterest || blog

Crossing my fingers that we can have a couple of months where things feel more settled. The week long break was so nice for me to get caught up at the store and feel a little more restored.

So since I last posted, this is what we’ve been up to:

  1. We finally settled into our new place and loving it! We’ve been walking to the grocery store, coffee shops, and exploring our new neighborhood
  2. BJ’s been working on some freelancing and applying to jobs. Check out his new portfolio here.
  3. I nervously hosted my first workshop at M&S. It was a blast and I got to meet new people.
  4. Cheering on the Irish! #1
  5. Watched and loved SkyFall and Silver Linings Playbook
  6. Caught up on Nashville and Revenge
  7. Planning collaborations and pop ups with different creatives.

As always, so thankful for all my friends and family for their support this year. Love y’all. Best advice I heard this week to avoid burning out – take mini breaks and have a good cry. Going to Miami to see good friends getting hitched this weekend comes at the best time, and I’m sure there will be happy tears flowing.

* I fell in love the Sammie (above) this weekend. We let her sleep between us which I think is totally breaking hers rules. shh.


The last few months have been a roller coaster ride with opening M&S, transitioning back into work, and finding a place to live. I’m trying to learn how to handle stress better, and this week was a real tester. But good new – we finally found a place to lease starting at the end of this month!

I worked on this drawing in parts during my lunch breaks at school. Doodling has been my saving grace. Have a good weekend, friends.


short trip

Over the weekend, we went for a short trip to NYC for the store. I need to do a better job at taking photos – after all, this camera is pretty heavy to lug around. We managed to make the most of the little free time we had. Highlights include seeing Jeff, eating brunch at Diner with Fay, Anne, and Jennifer, meeting Megan for the first time, watching The Master, stopping by Beautiful Dreamers and Mociun, catching the ferry from Brooklyn to Manhattan while passengers took turns reading Walk Whitman’s “Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry”, and walking everywhere. On the last day, Beth wasn’t feeling too well so I assisted her while she shot street style photos for Travel and Leisure aka I awkwardly chased down people. We got a couple of nos, but it was a little nice to get out of my comfort zone.