checking in

Just checking in. Life has been a little crazy as expected. We wish we were open already, but some construction got behind, and it’s best not to rush things. But by the end of the month, which is so soon, we should/better be up and running. Let’s just say it has been a huge learning experience!

A few things that have kept me a little sane: loading up on Texas peaches (I think I can eat that entire bowl in half a day), watching old Felicity episodes before bed, and lots of encouragement from friends, strangers, and family. Thanks, Mallory for the card and for everyone who has helped us clean up the space, detangled rope, visited, checked in, etc. You guys are the best.

sample sale

One of my favorite dresses from Cacharel in the Steven Alan’s sample sale. I saw it a few months ago and fell in love with the print. But I’m going to just admire from afar and pick up some basics for work. Wouldn’t it make a nice party dress?

I recently got the dresses below (now marked down ever further) on my last trip to NY, and they’re super comfortable and versatile. My older SA pieces have held up really well over the years, so I try to add a few pieces every now and then into my wardrobe.


A few outtakes from the last roll. Between navigating buildout hiccups and the less fun details of starting a business, BJ and I took a break to shoot a few items of M&S stock in the MFAH sculpture garden and around the house. I always have an easier time shooting film than digital, although I know it’s not always a feasible option.

A big thank you to Ameet and my sister for handling a lot of the buildout (especially while we’re away) and BJ for being a patient stand-in model and taking the photos. In the future, I probably will be the one behind the camera—I looked so awkward in most of the unused shots!


Did everyone have a good Memorial Weekend? Things are picking up with M&S just as the school year is winding down. It’s been exciting, stressful, and rewarding – sometimes one more than the other. I’ll be back with more to share on the store progress and hopefully some personal watercolors that I need to finish. Next week, BJ and I will be heading to NY for a few days for work. Looking forward to squeezing in a movie and some good eats once work stuff is squared away.

Photos from above: Stopped by the Empty Bowls event and brought home some  hand made pieces, visited Igby a few times, new/old rug to add some color to the bedroom, dyed rope all Monday for the store.

all social

This weekend was all social, and I’m glad we ventured out (we tend to be major homebodies) to spend time with family and friends.

Saturday: Shopped for organizational stuff at Ikea and bought some outdoor furniture on a whim (they can do it to ya huh?), saw Avengers with my siblings and cousins, played games at D&B, scored a personal best of 49 on the basketball game, and got our fill of Vietnamese food at Huynh’s.

Sunday, all the to-dos went out the window after meeting Steve, a local ceramist and fellow Domer (’74). We originally planned to meet up briefly to talk about his work, but soon hours passed as we bonded over rounds of his home brews, dog Ginger Lee, whiskey tastings, and watched an Japanese video from way back showing old techniques and processes. I learned about Steve through his work on the Oxheart website, and I’m so happy we made contact. He is such a kind soul and it was one of those afternoons we’ll look fondly back on. If you’re in Houston this weekend, you can take home a piece of Steve or other local maker’s work through the Empty Bowls project for the Houston Food Bank. We’re also planning on bringing his work to the store once it opens!

After our meeting, we hung out at a friend’s salon. I decided to try something new and got highlights for the first time. It took a little getting use to, but I’m like how it turned out. Although I don’t know how people can do this regularly. I’m too impatient to sit under the dryer haha.

Last week of regular school before finals. I’m looking forward to the summer! Hope everyone has a good week.

plants plant plants

Guys, I am no plant expert and I have the opposite of a green thumb, but I’m sort of proud that I have kept more than one plant alive! I even snipped off a bud (or whatever that is called) from one plant and repotted it in another container. There have been obstacles though. Aphids have attacked my old basil plant and it seems like my new one has downy mildew. I only know this because I’ve been googling images and reading through forums.

Our balcony is a major eye sore, so I’m hoping to get more plants soon to mask the cage like feel. The hanging planter was easy peasy , and I got the directions from 3191 Quarterly.

around the web

Last night before bed we watched this Spike Jonze Tell Them Anything You Want: a Portrait of Maurice Sendak. It got emotional a parts, especially when he was reflecting on death and the highlights of his life. I’m not too familiar with all of his work, but I liked hearing him talk about not shying away from the darker side of childhood in his books. If you have a bit of time, it’s worth watching.The segment where he shows off the toys he and his brother made has to be one of my favorites.


Looking forward to seeing Mav’s Beauty and Use Collection. In her words …

we don’t want to put more “stuff” out into the world. We want to share our loves and our visions, and in the case of our Collections, our creations, but we want the impact to be gentle … handmade and small … simple … beautiful & useful.