I put together some doodles similar to the drawings my sisters and I did on the windows for our grand opening flyers. I couldn’t decide between the two so we made different versions. Come by and visit us! I’ll be working in the summers, and once the school year starts up, I’ll be there in the evenings and weekends. Store interior shots and maybe a video to come for all our friends and family outside of Houston.
Pictures from work at the shop today.
My sisters and I worked on one of the windows and we really liked how it turned out, especially when it casts shadows on the walls. BJ is going to hand letter the other window. More pictures soon!
Some patterns from the weekend. 1/5th of the way done. More here.
The Making of Hero
The Making of “Hero” from Miguel Endara on Vimeo.
Microns can frustrate me because their caps fall off easily. But whoa! Love this. I’m a sucker for time-consuming, labor intensive works, huh?
the new year
Hope everyone has a great 2012! I’m excited and anxious for what this year will bring. Changes are ahead, but I’m excited to take a leap of faith and actively work toward a dream!
We never really did resolutions, but, this year, it seems to come up more so here are some things I/we hope to do:
- Actually put money into our savings account and stick to a budget
- Plan healthy meals together + eat out only once a week (we’re bad at this!)
- Make more thoughtful, “intentional” purchases
- Stay in better touch with family and friends near and far
- Take a walk in Hermann Park everyday
- Be more patient—on the road, in the class room, everywhere
- Set aside the computer, and aimless internet wanderlust, earlier in the evening
- Constantly create. Going to work on 100 patterns, in order to get into the habit of creating. All of them (good, bad, and eh) ones will be posted here, so I’ll be more accountable.
Got a new watercolor pad, and I’m going to start doodling more for fun…
Things I’ve been reaching for in the bathroom cabinet:
- Face Stockholm nail polish: It was about time I replace the chipped nail polish that have been on my fingers for over a month now.
- Mario Badesco Enzyme Cleansing Gel: One of the few face washes that doesn’t leave my skin dry, has few ingredients, and it smells good!
- Malin + Goetz Face Moisturizer: Originally bought for BJ but I stole it. Super moisturizing without being greasy
holiday card
Every year, BJ is in charge of making the holiday card for his work. This one is my favorite so far.
This week has gone by quickly. I served on a jury for the first time which was at times illuminating but also can be very draining. Those leather cushioned chairs in the juror box are deceiving- totally uncomfortable and it sounds like you fart every time you move – which I did a LOT (move not fart). It was also interesting to track which way I leaned after hearing each lawyer present , but in the end, looking at both sides, this was a clear situation in which you learn not to make snap judgements.
Looking forward to a free weekend. I need to get started on some gifts!
favorite things
My demo pieces for my class last week. They learned how to use basic shapes to create illustrations and then had to pick a theme to create a piece on afterwards. I did my favorite tools and things to eat.
time flies
Time flies! I can’t believe I took these before Thuy went back to school and she’ll already be back from SCAD next week. I’m excited to see what she’s been working on. One of my most worst faults is I am awful at keeping in touch with my siblings, friends, and family. I hate using phones and have never even skyped. But enough is enough: I do want to save up to visit you guys, and in the mean time I’m going to make a more concerted effort to catch up and stay in contact.