
Personal projects have been sidelined a bit as I try to wrap up the school year, work on the store, and start making our place more lived in (still got moving boxes out. yikes.). I’ve had ideas brewing for some paintings for a while now, and I need to make time. But you know me, if I neglect creating for too long – even doodling – I can be a grump. That’s why taking pictures and working on smaller, shorter projects have been nice and more manageable.

  1. Above, a photo of my uncle’s garden from our trip last summer and below, a photo of the water along the docks in Brooklyn from last month.
  2. Watercolor painting of our favorite Houston food trucks and half way finished painted beads from Texas Art Asylum.

myth & symbol

Although it has been in the works for almost a year now (and dreamt about for many, many years in my head), I haven’t really mentioned this new endeavor I’ve been working on. Partly because I didn’t want to jinx anything, but also because it’s taken me this long to feel confident it’s really going to happen!

By this summer, Myth & Symbol will be opening its doors in Houston. It came out of an idea that well-crafted, timeless work from independent designers should be more readily available and promoted, especially in such a big city like ours. I’m one member of a 4-person team, and my main role has been selecting the products for M&S and refining the concept. It has been a huge learning experience, and I’ve had the honor of meeting incredible creative individuals. One of the highlights so far has been hearing the personal narrative and process behind each collection—no detail has been overlooked.

Stay tuned, I’ll post more as we get closer to the opening.


March, already?!

  • + Riflemade calendar that just got put up, gotta change it soon.
  • + V-day present from BJ. A much needed clothes hanger. D.I.Y instructions from here.
  • + While cleaning the storage room at work, I found some awesome weaving instructions from way back in the day as well decent stockpile of old yarn.

This weekend I’m looking forward to sleeping in, maybe trying my hand at some weaving, sketching, and helping my mom celebrate her birthday. I wish I could have joined my RISD peeps at the NAEA conference – hope everyone is doing well!

the holidays

Finally developed film from the holidays, which already seems like a distant memory.

I had my first student teacher for a week now. I was a little nervous to have someone else in my classroom, but she has been a blessing! I remember those days like it was yesterday. Time really is flying by …

new year

Happy Lunar New Year!

We celebrated with our family and lots of food and well wishes for the year. I brought bunches of tulips for the my relatives, but saved a few for our place. It may even be the first time we’ve ever had flowers in the house! A small luxury but def. something I want to do more often.


random glimpses

  1. Wearing: simple rings + earrings- all sentimental
  2. Reading/looking: Just Kids (Christmas gift from Jeff and my first non-picture book in a long time), And the Pursuit of Happiness, Kiki Smith Prints Books and Things, Color Moves Art & Fashion by Sonia Delauney, Who is Sleeping on My Pillow. Two thumbs up so far!
  3. Making: chocolate Banana Bread from Orangette (Even though this is my 3rd time making it, I rushed and forgot the sugar after putting the mix in the baking dish. It still turned out okay even after remixing sugar in again. Maybe a tad too dense. Serves me right)
  4. Buying: Snagged these last month for a good deal. Even though I have a soft spot for boots, these are more practically and almost work year round here. They look almost identical to the one’s I owned and wore to death from American Eagle when I was a teen.

winter has returned

After a week or so of 75+ weather, winter has returned to Houston, which makes me happy because we don’t get enough of it! I just finished up a week of finals, and this 3 day weekend means getting caught up on sleep and planning for the next semester. BJ and I finally went to Baby Barnaby’s for brunch the first time (the line deterred us in the past). So yummy!

the new year


Hope everyone has a great 2012! I’m excited and anxious for what this year will bring. Changes are ahead, but I’m excited to take a leap of faith and actively work toward a dream!

We never really did resolutions, but, this year, it seems to come up more so here are some things I/we hope to do:

  • Actually put money into our savings account and stick to a budget
  • Plan healthy meals together + eat out only once a week (we’re bad at this!)
  • Make more thoughtful, “intentional” purchases
  • Stay in better touch with family and friends near and far
  • Take a walk in Hermann Park everyday
  • Be more patient—on the road, in the class room, everywhere
  • Set aside the computer, and aimless internet wanderlust, earlier in the evening
  • Constantly create. Going to work on 100 patterns, in order to get into the habit of creating. All of them (good, bad, and eh) ones will be posted here, so I’ll be more accountable.


I really do love this time of year, although it always comes sooner than I realize and sometimes I don’t soak it all in before it’s gone. Looking forward to some baking, crafting, picture-taking, and hanging out with friends and family.

On Sunday, my siblings and cousins came over for the day. We packed ourselves into 3 cars and headed to Discovery Green to ice skate—for most of them, their first time on the ice. Lots of other Houstonians had the same idea (you should see how excited our city gets when it actually snows) so the rink was roughly as crowded and chaotic as a livestock pen, but it was fun nonetheless. Afterward we all went back to our place, ate shepherd’s pie and candy, rediscovered the charms of Home Alone, before ending the night in a quest for frozen yogurt. I hope these all form part of a new family tradition. The thing about having multiple sides of your giant extended family in one area is that traditions don’t always have a chance to emerge and stick; one year, you go to one aunt’s, the next year maybe you’re at your uncle’s on the other side.

I have an endless supply of kraft paper at work and, since I gave away all my wrapping paper during the Great Moving Purge of 2011, I thought I would try making my own with the help of these stamps from Yellow Owl Workshop. BJ was let down a bit that our freakishly odorless fraser fir didn’t fill the air with those signature evergreen smells that mark the arrival of the holidays. His words. I grew up with the plastic trees, so I really didn’t get what I was missing out on. But it made sense after he band-aided the problem with a “Christmas wreath” candle that has our place smelling recognizably Christmas-y. In winterless Houston, these measures are necessary. For decorations, I’ve been working on Confetti System-inspired ornaments after seeing it on esb’s pinterest. I have a soft spot for soothingly repetitive crafts (beading, papercutting, the like) and this falls right into that category. Plus, I think they’ll work well as year-round decor, right?