Did everyone have a good Memorial Weekend? Things are picking up with M&S just as the school year is winding down. It’s been exciting, stressful, and rewarding – sometimes one more than the other. I’ll be back with more to share on the store progress and hopefully some personal watercolors that I need to finish. Next week, BJ and I will be heading to NY for a few days for work. Looking forward to squeezing in a movie and some good eats once work stuff is squared away.

Photos from above: Stopped by the Empty Bowls event and brought home some  hand made pieces, visited Igby a few times, new/old rug to add some color to the bedroom, dyed rope all Monday for the store.

A handful of images from our day trip to Round Top, Easter meals with Andrew & Bridget and family gatherings, plants for the house, and being inspired by color and patterns.

new surroundings

I have been bad at getting familiar with our new surroundings. We just started walking through the parks and gardens across the street after two months of living here, and I can’t believe how many paths and trails there are around us. A few weeks ago, we took a different route home and we came across this curious little building kind of at the edge of downtown. I’m so curious about what it used to be. A gas station? (Update: BJ is much better at internet research than me. It’s an installation by Andrei Molodkin painted on a 1940’s gas station.) There are relatively few interesting buildings and structures in Houston compared to other big cities—ours is great at demolishing its history—so it’s always fun to stumble across places like this, the gems hidden in plain sight.



A mishmash of the weekend:

  1. Finally bought some frames for our prints. We have more wall space now and lots of spots that need covering up.
  2. The workspace is beginning to shape up. A ledge and a good light is next on the list. I had pizza two days in a row this weekend. I had one of the best slices ever at Flying Saucer.
  3. Found a way to reuse the Totokaelo wrapping that was too pretty to toss.
  4. My other favorites in Houston are from Grimaldi’s, Kenneally’s, and Dolce Vita – which is where we met up with Mai & Gabe for brunch Sunday. I want to try to recreate the blood orange drink.

Last week was a tough week, but I’m determined to make this one better. Plus, I have a few things to look forward to once this week ends:

  • ice skating with my siblings and cousins at Discovery Green
  • Christmas movie marathon at our place
  • Winter break !!!


fast pace

Things have continued to move at a fast pace after the end of the school year. Can’t wait for a real break!

  • Added one more plant to the house. Plus, I love drinks + mint leaves.
  • Our friend, Ameet, generously gave us a whole box of his dad’s cameras to use.
  • A mess of necklaces- many unfinished.
  • A new away to organize masking tape.
  • Packing for Portland/Seattle.

confetti system


CS_streamers-533x400hat tip: wrenhandmade

I was already looking forward to see Beach House for Trang’s birthday, but now I’m even more excited because Confetti System will be designing the set for the band’s tour. Their use of  simple, everyday objects create ethereal sites, bring us back to the past, and make us long for a little bit more fun(sparkle) in our lives. I like how one writer described what CS created as “a moment that’s at once tangible and fleeting.”

A great behind the scenes piece by Sight Unseen here.

these are a few of my favorite things


I’ve been in scanning mode- I guess I kind of miss my slide library days cleaning up all those images! Anyways, I went through my inspiration binder and found these images from Domino magazine. It would be a dream to live around all those trees and lush landscape . I can’t even keep one plant alive. Last year, my students made me a sign reminding me to water George, our classroom plant. Big fail.

The last photo couldn’t be more perfect. Mismatched furniture, frame gallery, chandeliers, tin vases &  a macbook!