Portland round 1

Some of my favorites from the first roll. The whole weekend evolved around family with both sides of my family coming and spending the last days with Thuy before she went off to school.

more here.




The morning before the wedding, BJ and I gave ourselves a few hours for brunch. We wanted to squeeze in at least one Portland establishment during our quick trip. In an Asian family, eating out is a hard task because every aunt and uncle we visited en route insisted that we sit down and eat (and they all are amazing cooks). It ended up taking longer than we expected to get ready, but once we hit Broder, we + my cousins had 45 minutes to eat and drive to the ceremony. Ahhh, it was so worth it. I’m still thinking about the breakfast sandwich (can’t go wrong with adding a runny egg!). Before going to Portland, I check out Bonnie‘s recap of her trip, and she was spot on!


Back from a very short trip to Portland for a family wedding. And this time, I was related to both sides (they met last year during our wedding!) Unfortunately we barely got to spend time with everyone – I’m glad we squeezed in whatever time we could. I didn’t plan out the previous week so well and stayed up till 3am grading, but more posts and lots of pictures to come!

midnight painting session

Works in progress from a midnight painting sessions this weekend. The weather was beautiful, but I hope these wild fires calm down soon. I can’t believe how many homes have been lost over the last few days…


small piece

My Saturday was all about football and food. Seriously from the moment I woke up until 9pm. Longest game ever!  I felt like I needed to do something else before calling it a day. So I did this small piece and used a collograph plate as inspiration. I’m not quite satisfied and  feel a bit rusty, but I think I’ll explore idea a little more.

Gotta go record BJ snoring since he swears up and down that he never does!

this weekend

Only pic of the week. I got this dress in the sale rack from UO right before school started. It was a few sizes too big, but I like the print and the fit, besides the exposing armholes – nothing a cardigan couldn’t fix. I think I’m going to try printing on fabric soon, maybe make some scarves for the fall…

This weekend, I’m going to make time for all the things I’ve neglected – drawing, cooking, and taking pictures. My fil Bill sent me a roll of  ISO 50 film, and I’m almost finished with it. Most of the shots were taken indoors, so hopefully my hand wasn’t too shaky. I’m also looking forward to celebrating my sister’s 20th birthday and having friends over to watch the first ND football game.




I’ve been grumpy. I blame it on the 100+ heat, my dying mint plant, the lone commute to work, and finding time to sleep. It will past…

I like visiting my parents and seeing all the new illustrations Thuy has been making- there’s lot and lots more. I convinced her to let me scan her drawings and get prints made.

coming up for air

Wow. What a week. Kudos to all the teachers starting up again. I’m finally coming up for air.

The change from working in my room by myself this summer to suddenly interacting with 160+ teenagers for 10+ hours a day totally throws me off. Things I need to remember in order for survive next week – drink lots of water! I’ve been so dehydrated. But I feel like things are settling down and hopefully I can carve out some time to have a little fun, watch Another Earth, take pictures, and decompress!

Happy Friday!

pick me up

Some of my favorite pick me uppers

  • Painting my nails
  • Mini projects
  • Buying new supplies (currently testing out sharpeners)

back to work

Is it bad that I can’t help but think of Cee Lo when I see this picture?

It has been tough getting back to work this week with back to back meetings, getting the room ready, and being assigned to new committees. But doing these things has helped relieve some of the stress: grabbing drinks and ice cream at Grand Prize on a weekday(!), hanging out with our friends who just moved into town, and re-watching Gilmore Girls (Jess has just entered the picture).