A few things I’m working on and process images of the shibori workshop last night. It was really nice to spend with my family and see my mom working on something for herself. She keeps putting off her own artwork, but I hope she’ll pick it up again.
For me, summer is both relaxing and stressful. I have a hard time transitioning from working a high energy, fast moving school day to the slower pace at home. Finding things to do is not the problem – there are plenty of lessons to prep and personal projects that need attention. I easily get restless and managing time is something I’ve always struggled with and am still trying to figure out. Sometimes I wish I had people working around me to keep me motivate!
Besides playing around with jewelry, I’ve been interested in working with patterns. We got this little Marimekko cup recently, and I love the organic design. I signed up my mom, sister, and I for a shibori class this week, so I’m looking forward to learning something new.
the modernist
This is my second copy of The Modernist;BJ replaced the first  one that was stolen from our car in Seattle! Anyways, I can’t recommend it enough. A lot of our favorite designers/illustrators are included like Christopher David Ryan, Olly Moss, and Mark Weaver, but there’s a load of new artists I’m exciting to learn more about. The works are  big and nicely reproduced. It’s one of the books that I feel will get revisited many times and be a constant source of inspiration for me and my kiddos.
If you’re in Houston, Domy Books has copies.
We dog-sat this cutie, Coraline, last week and I really miss having her nap with me—toxic farts and all.
My film retrieval mission from the camera was kind of successful: once the lights were off and BJ threw the towel under the door, it felt like I was back in Photo I, fumbling and swearing at the film in the dark. The rest of the pictures that I took from our trip are here.
Dioramas by Grady McFerrin &Â Marcel Dzama
first roll
I had the first roll of film from our NW trip processed, and tomorrow I’m going to attempt to pull the second roll out of the camera and place it back in the canister. There are definitely light leaks, but I’m crossing my fingers that the rest will turn out. A huge thank you to Ameet for the camera (Canon AE-1), it feels great to shot again! More pictures and info here.
This is my father in law, Bill, an appreciator of fountain pens, typewriters, classic Hollywood, analog photography, pocket watches, etc. Lately, we seem to have a bit of bad luck with our cameras: his dropped and the back won’t close while my last roll of film is out of its spool and stuck in the camera (yikes!). But I love these shots he took during our trip before the camera drop, and I hope these glitches are just minor setbacks.
After Portland and Yakima, we spent the last 2.5 days in Seattle and managed to have a full schedule (mostly revolving around food). A little planning would’ve helped since a few of the spots we tried to visit were closed for the day. But I guess that means we’ll have to come again…
Day 1. Clam Chowder from Ivar’s and a second helping at Pike Place Chowder and watched Super 8 on the iMax at Seattle Center.
Day 2. Explored Ballard. Bought shoes at Dolce Vita, had delicious halibut tacos and watermelon fresca at La Carta de Oaxaca, indulged in gelato at D’Ambrosio, amazed/stunned by the displays at Curtis Steiner, grabbed toiletries and chatted with a nice salesperson at Blackbird, watched boats pass at Ballard Locks, watched salmon traverse the fish ladder, grabbed slow-roasted pork sandwiches at Paseo, reconnected with my high school friend at Molly Moon (the salted caramel is to die for!), and ended with Beginners at the Harvard Exit Theater in Capitol Hill.
Day 3. Brunch at Portage Bay Cafe, spent time in the reading room at the light-flooded Seattle Public Library designed by Rem Koolhaas, browsed and pined at Totokaelo, Cajun lunch (gumbo, battered catfish po’ boy) at Kingfish Cafe, dragged everyone to Molly Moon for a second helping.
This guide from Design*Sponge helped a lot.
Coming home
We came home last night from our trip to the Northwest where we spent the last 5 days visiting family on both sides, celebrating my cousin’s wedding, ringing in my 26th birthday with waffles and ice cream, indulging in lots of local food, and soaking in the gorgeous scenery (evergreens, actual mountains) during our drive between Seattle to Portland to Yakima and then back to Seattle. I can’t wait to go back! Our stay there also highlighted the fact that everything is sort of up in the air for us regarding career paths and plans. I have a feeling that this coming year will be very telling, but I’m excited and grateful that our trip kind of kicked me in the butt to start thinking about all these things.
I shot in film for the first time in a long while using a 35mm from our friend Ameet. But, as a backup, I also documented the trip with my iPhone and point-and-shoot. It’ll take some time to sort through them, so for now I’ll share my view outside the plane window. I don’t think I’ll ever lose my sense of awe at the views and the fact that we’re in the sky! (I know: get with the times, right?)
fast pace
Things have continued to move at a fast pace after the end of the school year. Can’t wait for a real break!
- Added one more plant to the house. Plus, I love drinks + mint leaves.
- Our friend, Ameet, generously gave us a whole box of his dad’s cameras to use.
- A mess of necklaces- many unfinished.
- A new away to organize masking tape.
- Packing for Portland/Seattle.