Dreaming of making out making it out to Big Bend Texas.
photos from Texas Parks & Wildlife
Dreaming of making out making it out to Big Bend Texas.
photos from Texas Parks & Wildlife
Hi! I miss posting in this space, but hopefully that will change soon.
In the midst of trying to find a new place, we’ve been purging. But when I saw this Yayoi Kusama tribute mobile by Kim Baise at the Menil Bookstore, I caved and rushed over to buy it. I’ve been a huge fan of her work, and her artist tribute mobiles at the Menil are so whimsical. Here‘s a little about the inspiration behind this piece. Now I’m a little addicted, and I want to gift these to all my friends. You can get custom mobile from her etsy site. Trang is thinking of getting a custom one about Igby.
In school news, I can’t believe this is my 5th year. I’m throwing a big party at the end of the school year if I complete this milestone and everyone’s invited :) I have a good group of kids this year even though the class sizes have grown significantly. Good luck to all you teachers out there.
I can’t believe M & S has been open for a little over a month! There’s a lot to do and learn, but it definitely has been rewarding. So happy we all came together to give this a go. And a big thanks for everyone’s encouragement and support. I’ll be heading back into the classroom next week, but I’ll still be working at the shop from home, after work, and weekends. Here are a few photos from the past couple of weeks:
Inside the store, trying on a Rachel Comey jacket (#1 on my wishlist for the winter), new ring dishes from Angel holding my tiny ring from Jennifer, Trang manning the desk, brushed up on my graphic design for a couple of ads, Maggie modeling…
In preparation for fall arrivals, we put our spring and summer sales online as well as a few select items. You can also follow us in these places:
Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Blog
Moving definitely has to be one of the top 5 things I hate (It may even top flying cockroaches). For the past five years, I think we’ve moved at least every 1 -1.5 years, and now in a couple of months, we have to do it again. Luckily, our landlord is giving us a few months notice but the search has been less than fruitful. Â It’ll be awhile before we buy our own house, but we were really warming up to our current place! Things were getting hung, plants were potted, outdoor furniture was bought, and we were warming up to all the add cracks and stubborn drawers. Oh well, on the bright side of things, this is a great opportunity to edit and purge. Send us some good luck vibes please!
pictures from my iphone and camera of the last few days
I can definitely feel the end of summer break getting closer, and I’m trying to fight off the back to school anxieties (does it ever go away?) Last weekend, BJ and I decided to take a last minute road trip to Austin since we didn’t really do anything for our anniversary earlier in the month and the store was finally finished. It was nice to take a mental break from everything and just relax. We grabbed pizza from Homeslice, walked along South Congress, bought swim trunks at Stag’s, visited Domy and Busy Beings, ordered drinks and small plates from Contigo (I love the crispy green beans), made a midnight food truck stop at East Side Kings, ate some amazing pulled pork tacos at Elaine’s while waiting for our table at Eastside Cafe, and browsed the Barney’s Co-Op on our way back to Houston. I often forget how relatively close we are to Austin, but it was just what we needed. I’m looking forward to going back for Feliz!
Favorite way to eat a mango.
Some outtakes from the M & S web shoot and bits and pieces from New York.
Some sketches I did while at the shop today for fun. (My scanner doesn’t pick up on the lighter colors.) Trying to get in the habit of drawing more and experiment with different styles.
I put together some doodles similar to the drawings my sisters and I did on the windows for our grand opening flyers. I couldn’t decide between the two so we made different versions. Come by and visit us! I’ll be working in the summers, and once the school year starts up, I’ll be there in the evenings and weekends. Store interior shots and maybe a video to come for all our friends and family outside of Houston.
Pictures from work at the shop today.
My sisters and I worked on one of the windows and we really liked how it turned out, especially when it casts shadows on the walls. BJ is going to hand letter the other window. More pictures soon!