dashing out the door

Thanks Megan for the tag. This offered a welcome, much-needed break from my work last night + a relaxing assignment before bed. Proportions are totally not to scale and coloring’s a little haphazard, but here ya go!

  1. Tart Lip Stain in Charmed: I’m usually dashing out the door in the morning and this adds just a touch of color. I bought it for my wedding and have been using it ever since.
  2. Cetaphil: moisturizes dry skin, works wonders, doesn’t smell like obscure tropical flowers.
  3. Work ID: an important accessory to separate me from the students + it’s nice to go to the faculty rest room without being stopped/interrogated!
  4. Lunch bag: school lunches are pretty gross. Jamie Oliver hasn’t revolutionized our district’s lunch program … yet. I picked a few of these up from the Marc Jacobs store during our NY trip for 5 bucks. It’s insulated, not so clunky, and can double as a camera bag.
  5. Clipboard: where I keep my to-do lists and important papers for the day

I’m going to tag my little sister, Thuy, in hopes that she updates her blog soon!

Update: Thuy’s 5 picks

Bedside reading

The deadlines at work are constantly changing and getting back into the routine has been tough, especially since I got so comfortable staying up ’til 2 during the holiday break. To relax, I took a mini break and did a quick pen-and-watercolor drawing of my bedside reading. My Secret Santa gave me the top two. I’m loving them all!

  • Illusive: Contemporary Illustration P.3. A great source of inspiration, featuring some of my favorite illustrators, like Andrew Bannecker and Pietari Posti (pining for one of his posters in the shop)
  • Irving Penn Portraits: Solid reproductions. Iconic. B. waved goodbye to him here. I hope I pick up the camera more this year.
  • On Beauty: I’m so grateful that I got to see Zadie Smith. Now I can hear her voice when I read her words, and it lends them that amusing, charming lightness you find when you listen to her. Yay for $1 Sunday sidewalk sales. I promised BJ I’d finish it since I have bad (not as bad as his. heh) habits of abandoning books halfway.
  • Lula #11: Pleased to see a piece with Jenny Lewis + loved Elle Fanning’s spread. Borders on Kirby has at least 10 copies left & Issues has one or two.


Thank you, internet.

  1. Seeing old and new work on The Heads of State’s new website. They only get better and better.
  2. Being inspired by Patrick Morgan’s illustrations. This hand drawn/digital ad for Reiss is my favorite.
  3. Watching this holiday store fill up with great gifts. Opens tomorrow.
  4. Driving to the store soon after reading the Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe on Orangette.
  5. Reading Sweet Fine Day daily. Great writing, pictures, and sometimes a video that’ll melt your heart.




afternoon snack …

finally flipping through the late 60’s book, Creative Drawing, I got at Kaboom. This page reminds me of what she would of drawn as a kid.



Simple pleasures that relieve stressful moments: painting my nails, taking pictures, Sonic’s Strawberry Limeade, ginger ale in a can, Trader Joe’s ginger snaps (which I guess is not so simple because my dad only gets them for me during his business trips to Atlanta), and buying new makeup.

I’m trying to get in the routine of free drawing everyday. And as a self-imposed rule, I’m not allowed to pre draw or erase. So far, this Copic multliiner is one my favorites. (Hey teacher friends, you get 10% off at Texas Art Supply)

Coming up for air

Hi there,

Just coming up for some air. Whew. My house is covered in paper scraps, my head is spinning, and 24 hours seems like too short of a day! I finally settled my car situation, and we decided to take out a loan to buy a new car. At least I’ll have more peace of mind during my long commutes to work. And we’ll both be sharing it, so I think it’s a good idea in the long run. Still, timing? Not so great.

I thought I would share this piece BJ did a few nights ago. I swear he busted it out so quickly. Don’t you think he should do more?


I’m so excited to see all my friends and family next week.


This is what I plan to do after July but maybe with two arms behind my head instead. B thinks my sleeping position is pretty strange. I noticed my dad and younger sister sleep the same way.


hatip: design*sponge

Yelena Byksenkova‘s Private Lives Series.
Lots more beautiful work to see in her blog and shop. Check her out!

Almost all out


It’s been a busy last couple of weeks for us, and there are lots more big decisions to make soon. We finally got our invites printed and they’re almost all out in the mail. Finally! BJ did all the lettering—his middle-school calligraphy lessons definitely (BJ: “finally”) came in handy! And the front was made with scanned paper cuts. More details soon once I find the files.

In other news, Lost is getting so good and I’ve been drinking one can of Coke a day. Sigh.

mondays, eh


Ah. Monday. I’ve got too much on my mind. But I’m counting down the days until Friday so I can finally tackle my to-do list. I kind of wish we were going to NYC for Spring break , but it’ll be nice to eat lunch with BJ and check out some of the exhibits downtown.

BJ made a fancy pants dinner last night while we watched the Oscars- steak, salad, potatoes, and berries. Oh, and I can’t forget the wine. That definitely helped me destress! (Yay. So happy the Hurt Locker won)

Check out B’s recent Phosphorescent track review for Pitchfork  here.